By Ellie Crowe, illustrations by Tammy Yee, Mutual Publishing

Help Nai‘a the Spinner Dolphin find her friends and safely guide Honu, the newly hatched baby sea turtle, to the ocean in this special maze book just for kids! These twenty-one amazing mazes take kids on an underwater adventure in Hawaiian waters where they can wind there way around reefs and coral to learn more about its sea creatures—from ink-squirting he‘e (octopus) to soaring malolo (flying fish).
Mutual Publishing
ISBN-10: 1-56647-973-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-56647-973-8
ISBN-10: 1-56647-973-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-56647-973-8
Available through Mutual Publishing, Amazon
"This is not your typical maze book. The illustrations are beautiful and the mazes are large (one per page). Even though the mazes are in black and white, there is so much of a gradient in the pictures that it feels like it's in color." - Amazon Reviewer