By Tammy Yee, Dover Publications

Dover Publications
ISBN: 978-0486812724
From familiar birds of the Western hemisphere — the Baltimore Oriole, Black-Capped Chickadee, and Northern Cardinal — to Asia's Strawberry Finch, Africa's Lilac-Breasted Roller, Australia's Red-Backed Kite, and the Flame Bowerbird of New Guinea, these 30 original models offer folding fun for bird lovers and origami enthusiasts of all ages.
Suitable even for beginning paperfolders, the bird models feature simple folding instructions and fun facts about each species appear on the back of each full-color pattern. The scientifically accurate models are perforated for easy removal. See the inside cover for a link to an instructional YouTube video that makes folding these beautiful birds even easier.
Available through Amazon

Folded butterfly bird samples, from EASY BIRD ORIGAMI